Organisme de Formation aux technologies et métiers de L'informatique

Formation Processus métier SAP Trade Management

SAP Trade Management Business Process

Informations générales

3 jours (21h)
2 460 €HT


Après ce cours, vous serez capable de :

  • parler à un niveau élevé des défis liés au processus de gestion commerciale et de la proposition de valeur de SAP Trade Management.


Ce cours s'adresse avant tout aux personnes suivantes :

  • Conseiller en applications
  • Analyste d'affaires
  • Architecte de processus métier
  • Propriétaire du processus métier / Chef d'équipe / Power User
  • Consultant en données
  • Gestionnaire de données
  • Développeur
  • Consultante en développement
  • Architecte d'entreprise
  • Spécialiste de l'industrie
  • Gestionnaire de programme/projet
  • Architecte de solution


Pour suivre ce cours, vous devez déjà posséder les connaissances suivantes :

  • Expérience générale avec SAP BW, SAP CRM et SAP ERP

Programme de la formation

Business Context

  • Describe the industry challenges
  • Explain the end-to-end business process
  • Explain the different business roles
  • Explain the importance of the end state analytic needs when implementing SAP Trade Management
  • Explain the importance of change management in the organization
  • Explain the importance of various testing cycles during the implementation

Sales Planning and Budgeting

  • Get an overview about Sales and Budgeting
  • Explain the planning structure used in the business process
  • Explain the main activities in the planning preparation
  • Explain the main activities of target distribution
  • Define channels and categories
  • Explain the commercial conditions
  • Explain the top-down distribution of targets
  • Explain the funding structure
  • Explain dynamic funds and business advantages
  • Explain fixed funds and its usage
  • Explain the main activities in Customer HQ negotiation
  • Explain the main activities in initiating the customer business planning
  • Explain the bottom-up planning activities
  • Explain the approval process and version management
  • Explain how the forecast is calculated
  • Explain the corrective actions for adjusting the sales plan

Customer Planning

  • Explain the Customer Planning Process
  • Explain buyer concept
  • Explain the maintenance of buyer targets
  • Explain the benefits of creating a planning product hierarchy
  • Explain the main activities in building the account strategy
  • Explain the customer mission, strategy and development plan
  • Explain usage and maintenance of assortments
  • Explain the elements, usage and the maintenance of a baseline plan
  • Explain the concept of TU and CU
  • Explain options to populate the customer promotion plan
  • Explain how to evaluate customer plan against sales target, funds, KPIs
  • Explain how to create and maintain alternative scenarios
  • Explain the different types of approval
  • Explain the activities generated when approving a plan
  • Explain how the forecast is calculated, adjusted and handled in versions

Promotion Planning

  • Gain an overview about promotion planning
  • Explain the methods used by the account manager to build up their promotional plan
  • Explain the essential elements of a promotion
  • Explain the planning of the overall promotional volume
  • Explain the different trade investments and how to assign it to a promotion
  • Explain the overall impact of the promotion on the plan
  • Evaluate alternative approaches to run the promotion in order to find the best option
  • Explain the promotional approval process
  • Explain the impacted and the generated activities, when approving a promotion
  • Explain the promotional monitoring processes, tools and metrics
  • Explain the typical promotion course correcting activities and their impacts

Execution and Settlement

  • Give and overview of Execution and Settlement
  • Explain the generation of discount, contract settlement conditions or rebate conditions from a promotion
  • Explain the integration of actual discounts with funds checkbook
  • Explain the necessary In-Store Preparation activities to ensure proper in-store promotion execution
  • Explain the In-Store Tracking activities that provide the account manager with visibility into the customer execution of the agreed promotion
  • Explain the accruals management process for building the accruals for all conditional investments that are based on the performance of the customer in order to prepare for deferred payments
  • Explain the different accruals calculation methods and their required information
  • Explain the different proof of performance for validating a customer claim
  • Explain the settlement process
plus d'infos

Méthode pédagogique

Chaque participant travaille sur un poste informatique qui lui est dédié. Un support de cours lui est remis soit en début soit en fin de cours. La théorie est complétée par des cas pratiques ou exercices corrigés et discutés avec le formateur. Le formateur projette une présentation pour animer la formation et reste disponible pour répondre à toutes les questions.

Formation officielle, reconnue par l'éditeur SAP.

Méthode d'évaluation

Tout au long de la formation, les exercices et mises en situation permettent de valider et contrôler les acquis du stagiaire. En fin de formation, le stagiaire complète un QCM d'auto-évaluation.

Mis à jour le 28/03/2024